Sunday, 16 April 2017

Cross species: Yay or Nay?

Image result for ancient wall art of humans and animals interacting
Recently I was going through an article on LiveScience about why are we fascinated by Human-Animal mates? It's been a hushed topic over the centuries. Everyone's  curious and wants to know but "What would the world think of me when I raise such frowned upon topics?", said everyone ever.

We have all heard the childhood fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast where a beautiful girl is trapped in a castle with a monster and who eventually fall in love or the other fairy tale of the Princess and the Frog where a kiss that could break the curse ends up turning the girl into a frog too. In both these stories we notice a similar pattern. Animals be it a mammal or an amphibian/reptilian coming in close contact with humans.Stories in the book represent oral traditions from a range of locales, including India, Ghana, South Africa, Greece, Ireland, Japan and the West Indies. In the tales, humans couple with a variety of beasts — there are monkey grooms, and tortoise brides; princes bewitched by frogs; and princesses who marry snakes. Since it was a tale passed on over generations, it was considered romantic. Is it so? Isn't anyone finding this a whole new level of creepy?
Image result for wall art of humans and animals interacting
Well it's no surprise for the science fiction genre to talk about animal experiments, half breeds and cross species living in the world as suggested in the books like Congo, Jurassic Park, Next and so forth. Is it a bad thing? No. It's just we have grown up with conventional ideas and thoughts imprinted in our very living and existence. If tomorrow someone wakes up to find that there are humans mutated to be half reptilian and half human, well, it was bound to happen.

I shall stop my wild train of thoughts because if I go on, there's no telling what might happen.  I might as well turn into *loud pop and poof she has disappeared*

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